The proposed solution, EPS-INSTANTCARD is designed to meet the requirements of the instant issuance for EMV/Magnetic cards; it is composed of distinct modules that can be operated separately.
As it will be described in the following sections, EPS-INSTANTCARD is an industrial-scale system developed based on our many years' experiences in the field of management of the card.
To meet the requirements multipurpose, this solution remains open and fully configurable to follow to the unstop changes in the standards of the card production process.
In order to meet the latest security requirements of Visa and MasterCard, EPS-INSTANTCARD uses the SafeNet HSM, that offers high performance to secure cryptographic processing and supporting applications requiring high-performance symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic operations.
EPS-INSTANTCARD is developed based on 3-tier architecture and decomposed into two parts:
- SERVER : it is a basic module which is connected to the back office (CMS) of the issuer.
- CLIENT : module is connected to the machine at branch level.