The expertises of its team allow BITS to offer various services in the field of banking:
BITS propose also a multi-sessions training, which the program is listed below:
- General Electronic Payment : General Overview of electronic payments
- NDC & Diebold Protocol : Protocol for exchange between ATM and Switches
- ISO 8583 Message Protocol : Protocol for exchange between ATM and Switches
- HSM and security : Security cryptography for EFT applications including HSM module.
- EMV Specification and Standard : New chip cards EMV requirements and standards
- Starndard PCI-DSS : Understanding the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
- Card Management Systems "CMS" : Card life cycle, card data, personalisation data, card delivery life cycle
- Fraud Management : Fraud Management techniques : Online/BackOffice fraud, Issuer/acquirer Fraud
- Chargebacks and Claims Management : Include Claim following, decision making tools, transactions adjustments,...
- International Network reconciliation : Standard reconciliation flux